The roses have a variety of colors that can leave us uncertain as to choose the time to prepare one bouquet or arrangement for this. However, to know the ideal color, a tip is to pay attention to the meaning of each color and type of rose. Before you send flowers to China to your loves ones, let us help you understanding the meaning of each color.
Red Roses
Remember that red roses represent passion, romanticism and are chosen by most couples when it comes to spice up the relationship, at the time of conquest or to get out of the routine and surprise the loved one. The red on a rose also represents admiration and respect, and can present friends and loved ones as well.
Burgundy red roses
Besides the intensity of this shade of red, it can be used on special dates such as a wedding anniversary. The burgundy red roses suggest the attraction. Therefore, it depends on your creativity. The attraction can be at the beginning of a crush, when you are looking for a partner’s yes.
Pink Roses
Symbol of affection, love, friendship and consideration, you can choose the pink rose for a special date and even to show feelings. Giving someone a pink rose brings a very great tenderness expressed in a gift, indicated for someone who is starting a relationship and is still developing the moment of conquest.
White Roses
Representing eternity, innocence and honesty in relationship, white roses are chosen by most brides in their wedding. The simple gesture of giving a white rose means that you want a lifelong love for the person who will receive it. White rose also represents condolences.
Green roses
Witnessing the harmony and joy in this flower hue, green roses are perfect for making an apology.
Blue roses
Lightness, balance, peace, tranquility, daring, poetry and modernity are all meanings taken from blue roses. Therefore, it should be used to surprise a modern woman, who allows herself to be outside the conventional standards dictated by society.
Orange roses
Symbol of joy, therefore, it brings a feeling of excitement to the person who receives it. They are perfect when expressing some celebration. The orange roses to be delivered to loved one to celebrate achievements such as passing an entrance exam, contest, graduation, among others. This type of rose can be used to bring joy to those you love in a period of convalescence, because orange represents strength.
Yellow roses
There are those who believe that yellow carries a meaning of a certain evil. There are also skeptics who say that yellow roses only express contentment and joy, a way to celebrate a birthday with friends.
Violet roses
A color related to spirituality, violet roses show peace, balance, integrity and grandeur. It is very suitable for gifting people who are in search of self-knowledge and spiritual ascension.
Black Roses
Bringing the expression of separation, grief and sadness, black roses can be a cordial opportunity to end a relationship or just demonstrate that you are with that person who has lost a loved one.
In the end
There is nothing like including a beautiful message that accompanies the bouquet of flowers. The dedications help us to express in writing what we are often unable to say in person. Ask your flower delivery Shanghai China expert now.